Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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dotmatrixhero in the post "Inktober is Coming! So it's a good time to remind you guys that in order to make tools for Drawabox more accessible, we sell high quality 0.5mm fineliners in packs of 10 for just $16.50 USD (with free, fast shipping in the continental US)"

2019-09-21 22:00

Amazing! I had no idea there was such a high markup. Definitely ordering these. Thanks!!!

dotmatrixhero in the post "Inktober is Coming! So it's a good time to remind you guys that in order to make tools for Drawabox more accessible, we sell high quality 0.5mm fineliners in packs of 10 for just $16.50 USD (with free, fast shipping in the continental US)"

2019-09-21 07:08

Quick question. Are you selling this at a loss? And if i buy a pack, would it be taking away from someone who might need it?

I can afford to buy art supplies, so I don't want to take some of a limited supply.