Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Inktober is Coming! So it's a good time to remind you guys that in order to make tools for Drawabox more accessible, we sell high quality 0.5mm fineliners in packs of 10 for just $16.50 USD (with free, fast shipping in the continental US)


2019-09-20 17:18



2019-09-20 17:27

To continue my blatant advertising campaign, we've sold somewhere in the realm of 700 packs thus far, and the consensus is that they last a long time (in our own tests, ScyllaStew was able to complete all of lesson 1 on a single pen without it showing any signs of diminishing), and they're resilient. They also don't bleed when exposed to water (for example, if you're going to paint over them).

Generally they compare to Staedtler Pigment Liners, which sell for almost twice as much.


2019-09-20 21:18

I actually bought a pack to use for work in construction. Really good pens.


2019-09-21 01:52

Glad you like e'm!


2019-09-21 07:08

Quick question. Are you selling this at a loss? And if i buy a pack, would it be taking away from someone who might need it?

I can afford to buy art supplies, so I don't want to take some of a limited supply.


2019-09-21 12:00

Hah, no, we're not selling them at a loss. Drawabox is a business after all. I've just always leaned towards pricing things for accessibility first and foremost. Companies seem to sell fineliners at an absurd markup, so undercutting them substantially isn't that hard.

The only tricky part is that it requires us to purchase in considerable bulk, taking on a high up-front cost of several thousands of dollars based on an estimate of how many we'd be able to sell.


2019-09-21 22:00

Amazing! I had no idea there was such a high markup. Definitely ordering these. Thanks!!!


2019-09-20 17:31

We're not buying your shitty subpar overpriced pens, bud.


2019-09-20 18:28

Overpriced compared to what?


2019-09-20 18:41

Well that's an oddly harsh comment, considering that all of the lessons on the site are free.


2019-09-20 18:48



2019-09-20 19:12

Yeah but drawabox goes into depth and Peter doesn't explain that well. Dab also gives structure and if you don't need that, that's fine, but lots of people love having homework. Except for lesson 4 which should just be deleted.


2019-09-20 18:44

[Amazon](Sakura Pigma 50038 Micron Blister Card Ink Pen Set, Black, 05 6CT https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K3KRJI8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_51rHDbH2T28VP) sells a 6 ct for 10$. Sooooo 10 for 15$ WITH free shipping is not a bad deal at all. Especially for people that dont know what theyre looking for.


2019-09-20 19:02

Microns are terrible compared to these though. They dry up so fast..


2019-09-21 13:52



2019-09-20 20:03

For the price, these pens are fucking amazing. Their customer service literally chatted with me via Discord to make sure my order would ship expeditiously. It was some of the best CS I've ever dealt with, and the product and price are awesome.

Zero complaints and I'm ACTUALLY a customer. In fact, I'm going to order more while they're here.


2019-09-20 18:50

Neat! Will try them out, another order made :-D


2019-09-20 18:53

Awesome! I'm sure you'll love them.


2019-09-20 19:01

AHHHHH THESE ARE AWESOME also they're all .5 which is like the best size ever. They don't dry up fast either like some other brands. Here's looking at you Sakura micron.


2019-09-20 20:18

How fast is the shipping? 3-5 business days?


2019-09-20 21:57

Hi Preypredator, I'm the one who handles order fulfillment. With our standard shipping, 3-5 days is the exact estimate I would give anyone in the contiguous United States.


2019-09-21 00:56

Alrighty. I just ordered. First time too!


2019-09-20 21:17

5 below has packs of 16 pens for......5 bucks


2019-09-20 21:22

Do you mean these scented pens?


2019-09-20 21:24

No sorry they where 18 pens



2019-09-20 21:39

Lol well at least they're not children's pens - though when we're tested different suppliers when sourcing ours, we based out choice on resilience, quality, longevity, etc. There are a lot of cheap pens out there but they're usually not going to compare to the more respected brands.


2019-09-21 00:43

Looks like your paypal has received the hug of death


2019-09-21 01:12

We've had much bigger bursts of purchases than this in the past, so I don't think that's the issue. What happens when you try to place an order?


2019-09-21 02:31

You just got another order! Looking forward to checking these out...

Thanks for the reminder for Inktober as well...definitely one of my favorite things about the month of October.


2019-09-21 02:38

That's great to hear! Though might I suggest other great things about October:

  • Halloween and related spooky themed things

  • Orctober (which personally I believe should be followed by Gnomevember, but I am biased due to my own web comic, "Orc and Gnome's Mild Adventures")

  • It's likely when the cafe near my work starts selling hot chocolate again, unless they decide to do it in November which would be absurd and bothersome


2019-09-21 03:45

Are there any official lists to follow orctober and gnovember? Sounds awesome


2019-09-21 04:47

I can't really say! I know Orctober's a thing, as I've seen whispers of it on tumblr and such, but Gnomevember's just something I came up with off the top of my head.


2019-09-21 07:29

Did Dinovember never catch on?


2019-09-21 15:39

I think.. I think dinovember ended up beiong people taking their children's dinosaur toys and posing them in amusing ways. So... I guess it did? At least somewhat.


2019-09-21 04:38

Whelp, looks like I've got a new web comic to dive into!


2019-09-21 03:43

Received mine not long ago, so far theyre great :) I wish we could order .3 and .1mm packages later , maybe not for the challenge but just to do other things.


2019-09-21 04:48

Hahaha, well perhaps one day - but for now we're focusing purely on selling ones that can be used for drawabox in order to keep prices as low as we can.


2019-09-21 04:50

How much is shipping to EU


2019-09-21 04:52

Shipping itself is around $14 USD, so it doesn't end up being an effective option unless you're ordering two packs at once. Even then, I can't say what your country's import taxes would be, so I wouldn't go that route unless you were entirely unable to find a more local option. With companies like Staedtler being based in Germany, many European countries can often get much better prices on fineliners than those in North America.


2019-09-21 09:14

Yeah I'm in the Netherlands and clicked to buy out of curiosity and Paypal wanted to debit me 30 euros. Damn. I usually buy my .05s two or three at a time too...


2019-09-27 13:41

I am from Belgium. I usually buy my Steadtlers in a supermarket that has them. Their packs run between 16-22 euros depending on whats in them.

You can also order from Amazon.de if you prefer Pigma Microns. Same price range really.

There is also penstore.nl which for you will be even better as the threshold for free delivery is lower for NL based people than for me.


On amazon.de the steadlers are cheaper as well. The packs are only assorted thicknesses though. No 0.5 only packs (as far as I could see)


2019-09-21 05:24

I was at Target today, and dont know what I'm doing. The closest they had to 0.5 was 0.4 and 0.7. Since I'm a complete noob, I'll place an order with you. Not having the correct pens has stopped me from starting the homework for 3 weeks now.

Update: purchased


2019-09-21 05:29

I suppose ordering from us does simplify things - though in the future, don't let a lack of the perfect tool paralyze you. Both a 0.4 or 0.7 would be okay (the 0.4 is what I'd pick of the two). Don't think of it as needing the perfect tool - get as close to what we recommend as you can, and get started.


2019-09-21 06:50

Shipping to Israel almost doubles the price :(


2019-09-21 15:38

I'm sorry to hear that! How much do fineliners usually cost in Israel, if you don't mind my asking? Things like Staedtler Pigment Liners and Faber Castell PITT Artist pens?


2019-09-21 15:55

I buy a single Faber Castell fine liner for about 2.5$, micron costs about the same.


2019-09-21 16:02

That's fortunate - seems the prices in Israel are much more reasonable than those in North America.


2019-09-27 14:07

Mine showed up yesterday. I was getting ready for work when I noticed them, and I'm just trying them out now.

I love them. I've been watching others get better for so long, it's time for me to drawabox!


2019-09-27 18:38

That's great news! I'm glad you like e'm.