Dodicin in the post "250 Box Challenge"
2016-08-23 14:58
Finally finished!
The more I progressed with boxes the more I realized what my (main) issues are:
1) Obviously, line quality. Sometimes my lines just stray away from the line I'm imaging and ghosting, I think it's mostly because my desk is kinda tall, my drawing hand can't help but sticking to it, and it makes me draw from the wrist/elbow instead of the shoulder.
2) Ending up with trapezoidal prisms instead of boxes/rectangular parallelepipeds (That is, when I'm not pushing the perspective). I noticed that it's related mostly to the me drawing wonky lines and not realizing immediately. In the first part I think it occured mostly when drawing the most foreshortened plane of the boxes and messing up some lines.
Anyway, thanks for your time!
Dodicin in the post "250 Box Challenge"
2016-08-23 20:31
You're right about the small points, it actually completely got out of my mind until now. I'll start using them (again), thanks a lot!