Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Din149 in the post "People who didn't have fun drawing bad stuff for the 50% rule, did you start to find drawing fun after you got good?"

2022-02-16 13:36

I had these thoughts too until I joined an atelier and got a teacher to guide me for the first time. I did a lot of coal studies, which weren't that boring because they were great practice and looked better than anything I had ever done.

Now with the skill I've developed I've started to understand how to have fun with personal art. Here's what changed it for me: fun personal art needs to be about something specific that makes me passionate. Maybe it's the same for you. Right now I'm trying to learn to draw in the style of one of my favourite artist, and it's been so amazing to analyze his characters and experiment. I recommend you do the same.

So basically you don't need the skill to have fun, just something you really want to draw and learn about, but still, making art that looks good feels good