Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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DayIGoDie in the post "If i'm not satisfied with one or more pages of my homeword should i re-do it if i feel like it?"

2022-09-19 18:03

Oh yeah now that you comented on it i remember something along those lines

DayIGoDie in the post "If i'm not satisfied with one or more pages of my homeword should i re-do it if i feel like it?"

2022-09-19 17:16


DayIGoDie in the post "If i'm not satisfied with one or more pages of my homeword should i re-do it if i feel like it?"

2022-09-19 16:56

I have seen all the material up to the second section of lesson 1 where i'm currently at.

I'm asking not because i want to send out something pretty as other people might but more because i take some enjoyment in doing the exerxises and i don't feel like i've done them how they were supposes to be done. But i suppose in this case the best option would be to do all three sections and re-do the pages in question in case it is decides to not meet the requirements? I remember reading or hearing around lesson 0 that there is a possibility they might ask me to re-do my homework