Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

If i'm not satisfied with one or more pages of my homeword should i re-do it if i feel like it?


2022-09-19 16:48



2022-09-19 16:50

Short answer: no, absolutely not. This leads to grinding. Rely on others to decide whether you should be redoing work or not, via the critique you receive upon completing the entire lesson.

Long answer: this page from Lesson 0, especially the video at the top.


2022-09-19 16:56

I have seen all the material up to the second section of lesson 1 where i'm currently at.

I'm asking not because i want to send out something pretty as other people might but more because i take some enjoyment in doing the exerxises and i don't feel like i've done them how they were supposes to be done. But i suppose in this case the best option would be to do all three sections and re-do the pages in question in case it is decides to not meet the requirements? I remember reading or hearing around lesson 0 that there is a possibility they might ask me to re-do my homework


2022-09-19 17:13

Critique does, when necessary, come with revisions. The purpose of the critique is essentially to gauge whether a student is demonstrating a solid grasp of the material from the lesson, and whether they're following the instructions for the exercises correctly. It's absolutely true that you won't really have confirmation that you're following the instructions correctly (and all you can do up to that point is to take your time in going through it, so as not to miss things, review them periodically, etc.) but in this course, we strongly advise against deciding on whether or not you should revisit exercises yourself.

If you come to realize that you weren't following the instructions and were seriously deviating from them - the kind of thing that only really happens when a student chooses not to follow the instructions especially closely - then there's room to argue that you should redo the work on your own. But as long as you made a conscious effort to follow the instructions, taking your time to do so, then you should leave that decision up to whoever gives you feedback.

Just keep in mind that being assigned revisions in your critique is not a bad thing. It's just part of the process, like a safety net that keeps us from pushing forwards and building upon a rocky foundation.


2022-09-19 17:16



2022-09-19 17:49

If I remember correctly, one of the videos said these first drills will be used for warmups so you will get a chance to practice them again.


2022-09-19 18:03

Oh yeah now that you comented on it i remember something along those lines


2022-09-19 19:18

Its my understanding that you can choose to use any of the previous exercises as your warm up. I try to warm up at least 10-15 minutes so I avoid the longer exercises. My line accuracy and ellipses get a lot of attention for now.


2022-09-20 02:20

Personally I would submit it because the review is supposed to help improve on why you drew something your not satisfied with. But i can understand doing it over if you think you aren't satisfied because you just didn't perform your best. I mean, it's not like your trying to impress the reviewers at drawabox