Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Dark_Joels in the post "Will something bad happen if I draw for fun a bit more?"

2023-06-23 20:31

I dont really follow this program or know how I follow this reddit page. However, no amount of drawing can lead to something bad have fun and forget about this peculiar place.

In terms of developing bad habits, its far more important to take time to reflect on your work and its flaws, if you find that too difficult(most do) ask somebody else for criticism.

This place seems to treat art as something like body building, that forcing your body to do something will guarantee results, it wont with art. Perfect practice makes perfect

Source: pretty good at drawing

Edit: after actually reading some of the program it offers decent advice eg. draw plants, draw animals etc. just dont be so regimented about it, art is about freedom and treating it like an athletic pursuit will get you nowhere

Dark_Joels in the post "Are drawing skills like "riding a bike", once you know how to do it you never forget? Or do you have to continue practicing to not lose your skill?"

2022-09-18 21:00

Its probably dependent on the individual but I get paid to draw, and so I get burned out, so I take a break for a while and itll take me months to get back to where I was, even after a break of a week or two