Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Will something bad happen if I draw for fun a bit more?


2023-06-23 19:35


I dedicate 2 hourse for practice, usually in the day, and the same amount of for fun, at night. It has been enlightening and I avoided a lot of burnout by making a meaninful pause. I go to sleep pretty hyped.

I want to extend the draw for fun time by like half an hour a o full hour, though.

Will something bad happen if I do that? Will I develop a bad habit?

Thanks in advance!


2023-06-23 19:38

The 50% rule states that half your time should be spent on practice, and half on play - but in truth, that's a minimum. If you wish to spend more than that on play, then more power to you. It's an excellent thing, and something you should not be afraid of. My bigger concern is with those who ignore the need for play and fill all their time with study.

The process of learning is one where we learn and unlearn habits of all sorts. Sometimes we pick up bad habits, and have to purposefully avoid them later on. Sometimes we pick up a habit that is useful and valuable at one point, but that we ultimately grow out of, and that goes on to hold us back. This is an entirely normal part of the learning experience - not something to avoid or fear, but to accept as an inevitability. Don't let it keep you from playing.


2023-06-23 20:26

Thanks a lot!


2023-06-23 20:31

I dont really follow this program or know how I follow this reddit page. However, no amount of drawing can lead to something bad have fun and forget about this peculiar place.

In terms of developing bad habits, its far more important to take time to reflect on your work and its flaws, if you find that too difficult(most do) ask somebody else for criticism.

This place seems to treat art as something like body building, that forcing your body to do something will guarantee results, it wont with art. Perfect practice makes perfect

Source: pretty good at drawing

Edit: after actually reading some of the program it offers decent advice eg. draw plants, draw animals etc. just dont be so regimented about it, art is about freedom and treating it like an athletic pursuit will get you nowhere


2023-06-23 23:07

Oh God yes! You'll start to enjoy it. Then do it longer and improve. Before you know it, you'll be an artist! And you'll be happier!

Sounds terrible


2023-06-24 01:54

Hah yes your arm will fall off. JK life ain't that serious.


2023-06-24 05:22

Youll curse your bloodline