Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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core999 in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-28 01:50

First I just want to say I really appreciate you taking the time to write such detailed replies. Yeah I've done TONS of research on online schools and other things myself... After seeing Peter's demo on the CGMA channel of drawing that huge dragon scene just about entirely from his imagination he definitely seems like someone I would want to learn from. I could take his CGMA course online but theres no way I could draw anything from life, I live in the middle of nowhere, I'd have to drive 6 hours to Calgary just to go to the zoo and I doubt they have an arboretum there. I found their perspective course online and in my personal opinion it looked pretty terrible. 800 USD seems to be a pretty standard rate for any 8-10 week course. I'm going to take Scott Eaton's Face anatomy course in October online because he's fucking amazing and Ive found some of his course work online. Theres a one month schoolism thing in Montreal but its close to 5000 dollars and covers things I don't care about. Some of the schoolism content isnt very good and I wouldnt take a mentored version of it.... Honestly a lot of the online content you just watch a pre recorded video each week thats about an hour or two long and hasn't been updated in years and then someone spends 8 minutes critiquing your work every week....

Do you get anything you can take with you to reference from and look at when you were taking the course? I have a pretty shitty attention span and I usually have to repeat something quite a bit for it to sink in. Those guys that live in that area already are pretty fucking lucky really. I'm mostly just interested in being able to draw and create my own characters or other concepts, and help understand someone elses concept in 3d space so I can sculpt it in Zbrush.

Theres also this http://fzdschool.com/ but it sounds pretty scary in terms of course work.

If I do end up going there too I think I'll take the vis com and figure drawing one as well. Perspective is really a drag, I had no idea what a cone of vision was for the longest time. I'm assuming the technical perspective would be similiar to Scott Robertsons book which reminds me of 3d modelling on paper(I never got through the book, I borrowed it from the library) Theres a huge 30 hour course on New Masters Academy about Perspective but it's probably the most dry boring thing I've ever tried to open and watch.

core999 in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-27 04:04

Is that what you took with him? I'll have to do some research on their website on when that starts again. Their course structure seems pretty strange, like if you want to take multiple things at once they are all on the same time on sunday and the foundational courses require other foundational courses first.... Did you have to apply for a visa or anything? I'm also from Canada. How many of these courses were you taking at the same time? Sorry for all the questions.

core999 in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-26 22:17

Do you know if a person can still take Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han in person? Or does he only do that through CGMA now? You said you spent what 6 months with him? How much was that? This isn't really related to your post at all but oh well. I'm guessing you had to have some kind of portfolio to show you can actually draw at all?

Anyway I had no idea you've been doing this for free for over two years. It looks like a few people have made it to the figure drawing section?