Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Charnauk in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-08-05 00:46

Hello Uncomfortable!

Sorry for the delay, but i completed the assignment of lesson 4, here´s my homework submission:


I worked with two pages of constructions and then 8 pages of different studies of a specific type of insect and its variations, I struggled a bit with the line weight (some days it was really hard to start with a fine line as it would come out thick, even when i felt i was putting light pressure on the felt-tip pen, and other times i got a thin line which was better for construction), I don't really know if this is actually a thing but I felt that some days the assignments were more manageable to do than others, don't know if that matters but I thought it was important to mention, but I tried not to worry like you told me.

Thank you for taking the time to check this!.

Charnauk in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-04-12 16:20

Thanks for the critique Uncomfortable!, i understand the importance of construction because of how much emphasis you put on it as the most basic principle for better structure and depth in drawing, and as such i will follow your advice and not overload the construction with details, i remember the first lessons whee you said that you add texture but slowly fade it away so the construction is visible, these critiques help me so much, i wasnt even aware of the flatness stems make when you dont cap of the cylinders that make them, now i know that important piece of information!, i will also play with scales, its true what you say, its important to make it a bit bigger to have better control, those stems ellipses were hard to control when the drawing was too small, thanks a lot for your help!.

Charnauk in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-04-05 00:17

Hello Uncomfortable; Here are my exercises for lesson 3:


I followed your advice from last homework where you told me to do the exercises and leave any mistakes instead of trying to redo everything; i had some difficulty with the line thickness ,where i made it too thick in some places, but i followed the instructions and tried to show volume, thanks a lot for your time!

Charnauk in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-12-18 03:25

Thanks a lot for you´r feedback Uncomfortable!, i really appreciate it, i was reading the lesson on drawing plants and i can already see what you were talking about when it comes to mistakes, all your advice and critique is really helpful, i learn a lot form it, thanks for everything.

Charnauk in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-12-13 21:00

Hello Uncomfortable.

I completed the second lesson of the drawing fundamentals on your page.

Here´s the link to my exercises:


I tried my best to follow your advice and to try to not overthink things, (i certainly see how anxiety and stress can affect the way one draws) and drew with my hand on the edge for support; i found the organic forms with contour lines a bit complex (maybe because they are the simplest forms and got worried that i had to get all of them look nice), it feels bad when you do one that looks alright and the next one on the page not as much, which made me think i had to do the entire page all over again, i worried when i did one right that the next one ruined everything, that´s why i made many pages, there are some of them.

On the dissections portion; i followed the examples you showed on your page, although i made a mistake on the first page where one of the biggest shapes on the center has a texture on both sides ( I worried yet again that i had to repeat the page all over just for that mistake), i liked the separation of the forms one makes when doing dissections and to try to make the textures follow the shape and form.

The form intersections and the organic intersections where fun, they certainly showed me the importance of line weight to define form, position and shadows, its fun trying to think in 3D.

Thanks a lot for your lessons!