Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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charl3zthebucket in the post "Is it okay to just do it with my wrist?"

2022-09-14 19:07

No, you are right. As wise as you are about people and mindsets, I can't expect you or your course to fix my mental health or something. That's too much responsibility for anyone.

I can't say I agree with you yet, but I can no longer say that I am definitely right either, so thank you for taking the time to challenge my views. I'll keep trying for a bit and see how it goes.

charl3zthebucket in the post "Is it okay to just do it with my wrist?"

2022-09-14 18:48

Thank you for such a detailed response!

I suppose it comes down to me as a person. I have never been one who can just "switch my brain off", as they say. I have suffered from anxiety since I was a child, and whilst I am in the process of rewiring my brain and working on my mental illness, there are some parts of me that will always be anxious, no matter what.

So here I am, trying to learn this brand new way of drawing, using my shoulder, ghosting lines, etc. And my lines are wobbly. That's not a suprise. I don't expect myself to be excellent at it immediately. So I took to the internet to find out why my lines are like this, and how I can improve them

It's a bit disconcerting when the response to the question "what do I do if my lines are wobbly" almost always comes back to "you need to relax. Completely focus on the task and make the stroke in one, confident movement"

My brain just doesn't do that. I can't just put all of my focus into one thing. I wish I could, but it's literally the way I am wired.

My question, in more depth, is, is it REALLY worth me spending so much effort, trying to literally train my brain into doing something it finds incredibly hard to do.

It's not like a mindset problem. I'm sure I COULD do it. And I am willing to put all my effort and hard work into the other aspects of the course. But this whole "confident lines" thing honestly just feels like it would take an unbelievable amount of struggling to fix, whilst I could be working on other parts of my artistic talent instead.