Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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chamacchan in the post "Can I practice all of lesson 1 if I don't successfully complete 1.1?"

2022-11-11 07:53

Yes, don't keep doing it until it looks good! Do your best, only the number of times assigned, and keep moving forward.

chamacchan in the post "How do I know when I should move on to the next exercise?"

2022-11-09 12:21

You're not meant to keep doing these until they're perfect! You're meant to do your best following the instructions, complete the assignments as listed without re-doing them, and move on. :) you'll keep learning as you go! It's not only about the finished product at first, but about training your motor skills and your brain. Not all your exercises are going to turn out beautiful, but if you followed instructions and drew to the best of your current ability, then go on to the next assignment! You'll get better as you go.

Also, don't forget the instructions to spend time drawing for enjoyment.