Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Can I practice all of lesson 1 if I don't successfully complete 1.1?


2022-11-10 18:35


I've been working on 1.1 for a week for 30min a day and there isn't any improvement. I wanted to try other exercises to see if that would help.


2022-11-10 18:38

The purpose of the assigned quantity is not for you to necessarily see improvement over that amount. It's to produce a body of work that, once you're done the lesson, someone else can critique in order to identify whether you understand the purpose/goal of each exercise, and whether you're moving in the right direction.

As laid out in Lesson 0 (which if you have not gone through, I strongly recommend you do), you should not be grinding away at one exercise until you feel satisfied - relying on our own arbitrary standards tends to lead to a lot of wasted time and effort.


2022-11-11 00:00

I did read through L0. Okay so just follow the amount of pages the homework says and move on?


2022-11-11 01:32



2022-11-12 21:50

Thank you!


2022-11-11 07:53

Yes, don't keep doing it until it looks good! Do your best, only the number of times assigned, and keep moving forward.


2022-11-11 00:16

I appreciate you are trying to improve on 1.1 exercises however I would strongly recommend that you simply complete the amount of work each exercise requires of you. Not more, no less. You might of missed that during Lesson 0 so here's a link to it: https://drawabox.com/lesson/0/3/gettingthemost

Each Lesson builds upon the concepts of exercises in previous lessons so I wouldn't worry about seeing improvement yet (especially after only one week).

Looking at Lesson 1.1 Superimposed lines it looks like you only need to do 2 pages of them. Here's a link to that: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/4/homework

I wish you well,
