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C3yl0n in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-07-27 17:19

I am doing the excersice right now and its pretty challenging.

It might be a dumb question, but do you have some studies i can look at or any site where i can see some different texture,because im running out of ideas :/

C3yl0n in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-07-25 18:53

Thank you very much for critique, I watched the video again and tried to translate it in to my drawings.

I still struggle with using photo referance, but i tried my [best] (http://imgur.com/a/rE6ly).

In my opinion the cookie looks way better than the strawberry like organic form.

I have the feeling i improved a little but they are still not good enough, i think.

When u scroll down more u will see i include a drawing that hasnt to do anything with the lesson, but i just wanted to show you, how my eye tranlates the pictures on to the paper :)

As always critique is welcome and thanks for doing this! :)

(I have no problem with doing them again)

C3yl0n in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-07-23 15:22

So, Im back and [here is what i did] (http://imgur.com/a/yiTr7).

This lesson was really challenging for me, especially the Dissections. I have problems to bring it on Paper, when I am using photo referance, particularly i have problems with texture :/

And there were moments while doing intersections, were i just couldnt imagine how they intersect.

Nevertheless I am quite happy with the outcome, but their is a whole lot i can improve on!

As always no mercy please and thanks for doing this! :)

Whats up next in your opinion?

C3yl0n in the post "250 Box Challenge (#2)"

2015-07-05 18:11

Thank you so much! Looking forward to do lesson 2 ! :)

C3yl0n in the post "250 Box Challenge (#2)"

2015-07-04 15:37

While lesson 1 is complete right now, i completed the [250 Box Challenge] (http://imgur.com/a/u5blQ) aswell!

I am not sure if you still remember my lesson, but i had a little problem that my ghosting is a little bit curvy :/

All in all im very happy that you give us all the opportunity to do this challenge :)

critics welcome, no mercy please! :)

Some questions left:

-Is ghosting out of the wrist bad?

-How do i deal better with the frustration if a line isnt like i wanted it to be?

-Is there any collection of your work, so i can motivate myself more?

-What should i do next?