Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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bumhugger in the post "Uncomfortable's Thoughts: Constructional Drawing"

2016-02-01 06:44

It's great that you brought this up. It's hard to stop trying to replicate detail and getting frustrated instead of taking steps to reconstruct the subject. But, for example, I've noticed it becomes considerably easier to draw from imagination if you know the construction, rather than trying to remember the "final product" and draw that without any steps leading to it.

bumhugger in the post "250 Box Challenge (#2)"

2015-07-07 13:27

I've spent a long time with this challenge, filling a page with boxes every once in a while. Surprise, surprise - most improvement happens when I draw daily, and it's also much faster to warm up than after weeks of not drawing anything.


Topmost things I took from this challenge - I should keep drawing as regularly as possible, preferably daily (even a little, like 15 minutes a day). I also should take more time and thought for each mark on the paper to prevent wobbling and sloppy lines.

bumhugger in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-02-04 06:02

is the red message above the comment box showing up okay?

It works when you sort the comments from top. No worries :) Thanks for the feedback!

bumhugger in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-02-03 10:39


I think I will do the 250 boxes challenge, I feel like my boxes are quite sloppy and flimsy. Didn't want to experiment with different line weights, since I want to get more confident with my basic lines first. I also tend to rush too much, since I don't have that much time to draw daily, but I need to slow down and concentrate on every little line like it was the most important line in the whole picture :)

P.S. A big, heartfelt thank you for doing this. I can't understand how you manage to handle all the submissions and always give such insightful feedback and critique, but I love you for doing it :D Such an incredible opportunity to get a pair of more experienced eyes to measure up one's progress and help improving. /u/Uncomfortable, you rock!