Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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brunchyum123 in the post "People who didn't have fun drawing bad stuff for the 50% rule, did you start to find drawing fun after you got good?"

2022-02-16 16:09

Try reading this article on flow state and particularly the chart - theres a key zone of skill vs challenge, and its likely youre trying too many challenging things that are causing anxiety or lack of fun because the results arent good.


Per another commenter, you want to challenge yourself juuust outside of your skill zone to remain in flow and enjoying the process, not so far outside your current skills that it tips the scale into anxiety / lack of fun. So finding ways to practice art at a smaller scale, pieces of a whole, or working on the technical side of your skills might be helpful.

Im just getting into acrylic painting from other mediums, and Ive been focusing on playing with different brush strokes, paint to medium ratios, etc to better understand how the medium handles. Its a lot of fun so far. Next Im going to start practicing painting one object. Etc. If I started out trying to make a complete perfect masterpiece that would definitely be far outside my skill zone and very much NOT fun or a flow state.