Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Boowho97 in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-02-21 20:26

Oops forgot to upload it. Thank you so much for the critique. Moving on to dynamic sketching now :)


Boowho97 in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-02-18 23:00

Hi Uncomfortable, here is my lesson 2. Just want to say that I had a lot od frustrations with the form intersections. I just couldn't wrap my head around it, but I think I handled it well(with some mistakes of course). I might add that some parts are sloppy(like the form intersections) and I'm sorry for that.


Boowho97 in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2016-02-12 17:24

Hi there Uncomfortable, here are my boxes. Sorry for the blurry pictures. My camera wasn't working right for some reason. Thank you very much for everything http://imgur.com/a/zZGAL