Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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baskarcoyote in the post "During December, critiques will be limited to Patreon supporters (again). Free critiques will resume in January"

2015-11-26 16:01

Gotta be careful about that burnout! Take care, good luck, stay safe, and stay warm.

baskarcoyote in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2015-01-10 06:11

This one took me too long! I had a lot going on and I kept starting and stopping and I think that just made it harder for me. I pushed myself to do 350 instead, but I'm not 100% confident I really improved. I see a lot of mess lines and a lot moments where I didn't plan ahead when I should have. I feel like I was lacking confidence to make clean straight lines too. I did a warm up before every each page for the day too, but I don't know. I also feel like I was really hard on myself in some of my grading.

Anyway! Here is the link to the album! I'm going to get back to work on lesson 2 now. I feel like this Box challenge wore me out and kinda sapped me creatively.

baskarcoyote in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-09-15 22:10

Thank you. Yeah I just need to focus more of my time into art and I'll find the right path for me, no problem. Every little bit helps!

baskarcoyote in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-09-15 21:01

I haven't done a lot with this sub yet, but I want to soonish, got a lot going on.

I'm 28, and I've drawn off and on since High School. I had hopes of going to college but put it off and felt frustrated for various reasons. I did some oil painting back in high school, but nothing impressive. I taught myself photoshop afterwards, and I've played with Painter and Paint Tool Sai (getting used to that at the moment). But last year I decided I needed to fully commit myself if this is what I really want to do with my life, and I started reteaching myself fundamentals and soaking in any books or courses I could.

I have been scanning in my sketchbook from this year to imgur. I haven't been drawing everyday, like I wish to, but I'm working towards that goal. I'm pretty decent at imitating other styles, but my own stuff still needs a lot of work/drawing from real life/mileage.