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Anipony in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-06-17 22:05

Sorry for hurting your eyes, i couldn't find enough nice insects to draw, so i took many different. Thank you for theese lessons, they are awesome, and your critiques make them superb.

Anipony in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-06-17 07:12

Hi again. Here're my creepy insects. I always hated them, spiders are cool, but generaly disgusting.

Anipony in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-06-10 13:28

Done. Well, i just suck at being subtile and tidy. If you would like me to do some more pages, i'm ok with it. Suddenly i encountered problems with ellipses again, but then i remembered the ghosting thing and to draw them slower.

Anipony in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-06-09 20:39

Sorry, that's just my low self-appraisal and paranoia.

Anipony in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-06-09 19:12

I don't know if it was a sarcasm, but thank you. Now when you said it they look strange to me, and i don't know why i drew only 4...

Anipony in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-06-09 06:44

It's me again, this is my lesson 3 homework, I spent roughly 1-2 hours per page. Something i noticed during the work that my bad shading is bad. And there were also some mistakes in contour lines. And one more obvious thing i noticed, i found it harder, but more interesting and effective, to draw from real life objects, it feels like it gives much more experience. I did so on pages 8 and 9, my home plants. And i would like to ask you, as an experienced artist, do you think drawing from photos has any disadvantages in terms of learning, or it is just a matter of one's understanding of 3d space?

Anipony in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-06-08 11:59

Thank you for such a detailed answer. I do all the work on A4 paper, so the problem must be in my heavy hand(in both meanings, i do some power lifting stuff), i will work on my control of pressure later on. Also in my liner, because i think i have broken it's tip. In lesson 1 and half of lesson 2 i used a liner with a rather fat tip (don't know exact size), then i bought Faber-Castell PITT artist pen XS, and it feels too fragile for me... it draws thinner lines, but sometimes it doesn't listen to me or refuses to draw fast (only slow lines work, and they can get wobbly). And also i had troubles with drawing BIG ellipses(drawing from shoulder) like in the intersections part, so i started draw them slower in the extra page (later part of it actually). So here are extra pages, i put there 1 form intersections page and something i did after i finished lesson 2 but didn't submit. It's actually a test page of lesson 3 but i decided to draw another form dissection with texture on it.

Anipony in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-06-06 23:41

Once again, my lesson 2 homework. Had to resubmit it due to some misunderstanding. Hopefully now i'm doing everything right. Thank you in advance.