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AnimeBeginnerAcct in the post "(250 box challenge) I consistently fail at drawing natural-looking boxes"

2022-08-31 22:45

Your lines should all extend to their own vanishing points and they should all be going in separate directions. They should follow the same directions as the initial Y drawing. For example, your bottom most drawing I can tell the initial Y shape has a VP above it. it should be going down because you're looking at it from the top. The two on the sides are correct except that they don't head towards the same VP but they go in the correct direction

Just take a second and think about it. If you're looking down at a really really tall building, is the bottom of that building smaller or bigger from your perspective? It's much much smaller. If you look at a really really wide building from an angle, are the end edges of the building bigger or smaller from your perspective? They're much smaller

After you've drawn your initial Y shape, you should be able to guesstimate the angle of the line you're about to lay down by ghosting. Make sure it is angled *towards* the line that's already drawn on the Y shape

Also, I notice that every single one of your VP lines go up? The other two extended lines imply that it should go down. As in, you are looking down from the top. If you have a VP above your box that implies that you're looking from the bottom. Your initial Y shape can help you determine where the VPs should be located. If it's going the opposite direction from that initial Y shape that could explain why your boxes look funky

AnimeBeginnerAcct in the post "Going through the homeworks and had a question about amount of time spent"

2022-02-09 21:56

Ok, that answers my question. I'm still learning a lot so how much time I should spend on any single drawing was something I was getting concerned about