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almostcandraw in the post "Peter Han's Dynamic Bible - The legendary dynamic sketching instructor's finally launched the kickstarter for his personal notes and lectures!"

2016-09-24 05:03

I have the pdf and sort of regret not getting a hardcopy. The one thing I do like about the pdf version is I can zoom in on his notes. His notes are a bit messy and written very small. I cannot read most of it at default print. I admit my eyes are not the best and I have astigmatism. Zooming in helps and then I am able to read the notes better.

almostcandraw in the post "Peter Han's Dynamic Bible - The legendary dynamic sketching instructor's finally launched the kickstarter for his personal notes and lectures!"

2016-06-14 19:41

I remember now the full story. It was posted somewhere before. I dont know where I got the student part from. I deleted it to remove any confusion.

almostcandraw in the post "Peter Han's Dynamic Bible - The legendary dynamic sketching instructor's finally launched the kickstarter for his personal notes and lectures!"

2016-06-14 03:36

If you are supporting Peter Han you can support Norman Schureman's children by buying a book dedicated to him below. Norman Schureman is Peter Han's teacher.
