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Ajynn in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-07-13 20:28

Thank you very much. I'll try and do more studies like the ones I did with the first exercises (I know I passed this lesson but i feel I have to put your comment into practice and at least do a few more). As for the broken lines - I found out that they help me convey a sense of "leafy contour line" I see when looking at trees, but you are right, this doesn't seem like 3d forms.

Again, thanks very much :)

Ajynn in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-07-13 16:55

Hey again :) This lesson was really though for me, as I have a hard time sitting down and drawing from nature (and in the process of doing the homework, I started to enjoy it really). But finally, here is what I've done:

  1. First, I've done the exercises you used as examples in the lesson, just to get the hang of it - here's the album!. I didn't copy your expalmes, I just followed them and drew from your photos.

  2. And here are my studies, I did less houseplants and more trees, as I generally always hated to draw trees - figured ths would be a good chance to tackle that fear. Also, I did most of those from life, in my garden, in the park or looking at houseplants. Here's the album

Ajynn in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders"

2015-03-20 22:34

Thank you! I've found that the minor axis techique really helps with this exercise :)

Ajynn in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders"

2015-03-20 22:23

Hello! I wasn't posting any homework for a while, got hooked into doing exercises from Scott Robesrtson's book + tried out some digital painting, but finally I got myself to visit this subreddit again! And I must say - many things have changed! Congrats on the new website and good to see your videos - they are amazing.

But let's put aside my gibberish - here is my homework!. Sorry for the quality of some of the photos - need to get a better camera.


Ajynn in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-26 08:12

Thank you very much for the critique! I'll keep that in mind and try to draw more boxes (but first I'll do the plant lesson). Till next time! :D

Ajynn in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-26 00:04

Hello again! It's been a while (been busy with Christmas presents and preparations), but here is my homework!

And BTW, I wanted to share some cool info - just ordered Scott Robertson's 'How To Draw' and 'How To Render' on Amazon (a Christmas present from myself to myself) :D

Have a nice holiday and Merry Christmas :)

Ajynn in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-12-10 00:21

Hi there! So because I'm planning to stay on this subreddit for a little while (or even longer) I figured that it would be a good idea to introduce myself.

I'm a 21 year old graphic design student (this is my first semester, I have been studying psychology before this, but.. well, after 2 years I decided to leave and "chase my dreams") and I work as a QA tester in a game studio at the same time. And as you probably have quessed by now - I want to become a concept artist at some point in my life (better sooner than later).

I began drawing at the age of 2 or 3 - my very first scribbles formed something resembling a guy siting on a giant lizard. After that I just couldn't stop - I drew Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z characters, Yu-Gi-Oh cards and armor/weapons from various video games. Unfortunately I stopped doing this at the age of 10 - after my parents signed me up for a drawing/artistic course in our town. I realy hated it - I didn't like the other kids there and I always did things my own way (which was completely different from what the teacher was expecting).

So I left and just kept on doodling for years to come, never realy thinking seriously about it.

At the age of 20 is struck me - I want.. no, i NEED to become a concept artist. I read all there was about this career path, I started drawing more often and I took some private lessons. At the start of 2014 I bought a Wacom tablet - and being a complete noob, with no clue what to do and where to start, I joined an Indie Dev team, drawing stuff for their game in my free time (my concepts are quite obviously awful, but they don't pay me, so... :D)

And then I started graphic desing (partialy because I like it, but mostly so that my parents won't nag me that I'm wasting my life without a degree) and found a job in a game studio. At the same time, I focus every free moment on learning how to draw.

So, hi again. Here I am, eager to draw everything you throw at me :)

Ajynn in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-09 23:53

Thank you very much for the critique (I'm impressed how fast you reply :o)! I'll get to the third lesson as quick as I can.

Ajynn in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-09 23:23

Hey there! This set of exercises took me a little longer because I had to figure out how some of the shapes intersect and how to draw the different connections between all of them (still not satisfied, but I had a lot of "A-ha!" moments). I ended up doing at least 40 pages, but i just threw the warm-up sketches away (mostly out of frustration... :P)

But here it is - my homework. I also included two pages of boxes, because in the last lesson you told me to be more confident with my lines (and now I'm starting the 250 boxes challange). As always - sorry for the photo quality, I need to get a hold on a scanner.