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Aeonbreak in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 3)"

2016-01-21 21:56

Okay, I see. The thing is I feel I havent really fully grasped the shallow perspective concept. By consequence I feel my organic boxes are being made out of guess/feel and not proper technique. I mean...I should aim for shallow perspective but what does that actually mean when I'm there building the box, line by line? Can you refer me to some article if that's too much to explain?

Aeonbreak in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 3)"

2016-01-21 17:59

Hoooooly shit man my lines were definitely NOT going to VP in the rough perspective exercise! haha, left me feeling a bit bad. Will keep practicing those.

Now regarding the inconsistent foreshortening...well, any tips of maintaining that foreshortening throughout the boxes?

I've only used the Y method so maybe I should aim to keep the closer edges always at a 60ยบ next to each other? Or maybe I should be using another method from the start?

Aeonbreak in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 3)"

2016-01-20 13:36


Here's the work I did for lesson 1!


When reviewing it, I noticed I had an issue with the ellipses inside planes exercise. I was having a weird feeling towards some of the shapes and then I found out that probably what went wrong is the center line was not going to the same VP as the side lines. At least I hope that's the problem and the rest of the planes are good. haha

Secondly, I feel that I need to say some of those took me more than one shot to get right. Like that hellish box tilting one. Just in case.

Thank you again for your time and effort!

Aeonbreak in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2016-01-08 12:48

Yay, here are mine!


I feel that I have definitely exaggerated the foreshortening in some of them. Wasn't really thinking about the pages as being a cohesive collection of boxes but rather trying to understand each box on its own. I also couldn't resist trying some overlapping near the end. Hope that's alright.

Finally, I tried to vary line weights first by making it thicker on the silhouettes, then thinking about the light source (thicker lines where the light is not hitting) and lastly making thicker lines for the boxes in the front that overlapped those on the back.