Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Advayia in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-17 20:17

Thank you for the critique! I did not deserve to pass this one.

Yeah... My drawings where not that good this time.

Back to the drawing board!

Advayia in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-17 17:35

Hello! This is the lesson 3 exercises https://imgur.com/gallery/aIIsCms

This took me way to much time to finish and i did my best.

I learned a lot doing this lesson.

Advayia in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-13 16:14

Thank you for the critique,

I agree with everything you said, i will work harder next time and fix these mistakes in the future.

Have a wonderful day!


Advayia in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-12 17:47

This was way more difficult than the first one, here is my lesson 2 homework:
