Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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-Chears in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-24 01:45

Thanks you so much for your feedback! I shall continue with Lesson 5.

Important Points for myself (and a rant about a failed butterfly hahaha):

-I´m going to be more careful with the sausages. If I remember correctly, lesson 5 starts with an exercise involving sausages so I will definitively will try watch out for those problems.

-I'll be more careful on how forms intersect with each other.

-Major focus on the intersections of the sausages. I remember applying them in the tarantula and it did help quite a lot. I... don't know why I skip that step before but... yeah... I skipped that step.

-Oh boy... the butterfly was the most chaotic of them all DDD: hahahaha I wanted to experiment a bit but every choice made things worse and by trying to fix my mistakes I only make things more obvious. Although the final result is a little bit better than what it could've been. Still a mess though n.n'

-Will try to adhere more to the construction and actual texture, avoiding going all the way with experimenting like in the butterfly.

-Chears in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-23 19:48

Hello! Here's my lesson 4 https://mrchearlie.tumblr.com/post/187217972400/drawabox-lesson-4

I just finished so my mind is a little numb to say anything important... but as always, thanks a lot for your lessons. I'm really noticing improvements within the lessons and on unrelated drawings. And thanks in advance for your feedback.

-Chears in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-19 21:01

Notes for myself:

- Treat the construction of the leafs as scaffolding and not suggestions for the zigzagging edges.

- Push the leaves further to give more depth and tridimentionality.

- Build complex leaves, like the maple one, as if they were a group of leaves, and not skipping steps.

- Focus on the lights and shadows of the leaf veins, not to treat them like lines (lines don't exist IRL)

- Ensure that I'm blending the branches lines so they appear together seamlessly.

- Use texture to guide the eye of the viewer.

- Texture should do a particular job.

- Side towards having less detail rather than more. Else, texture might contradict construction.

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I shall continue on with lesson 4 then :)

-Chears in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-18 23:22

Hi, Here's my Lesson 3. Thanks a lot for your lessons. I really feel that I'm learning: https://mrchearlie.tumblr.com/post/185688993075/drawabox-lesson-3

-Chears in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2019-02-05 15:05

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I will go on with lesson 3 :)

-Chears in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2019-02-04 22:11

Finished lesson 2 :D http://mrchearlie.tumblr.com/post/182562543755/drawabox-lesson-2

-I saw the dissections homework changed quite a bit. I don't know if mine's valid. Either way, thanks for your time!

-Chears in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-11-07 20:41

Thank you so much! I shall continue to lesson 2 :)

-Chears in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-11-07 20:12

Hey Uncomfortable! Hope you're doing great! I finished the 250 box challenge. By the end I start to scoring boxes according to how off the lines were according to the vanishing point just to have an extra help of accuracy I guess. Just in case you see weird numbers and don't understand what are those.

Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SQfFQfHTjzxqr820G1GL-CZIsjDG7a-O/view?usp=sharing