Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Winter Promptathon Day 1: Hidden Amongst Us


2022-12-26 14:22



2022-12-26 14:25

For those unsure of what a Promptathon is, it's an event we try to hold at the turning of each season, where we drop a new drawing prompt each day for 7 days. Students are encouraged to submit something for each day, and are awarded with unique avatars, achievements, and double critique credits on the drawabox website.

More info here.


2022-12-26 23:33

I'm not understanding the AI comments on that page. Are you saying AI is good or is the drawing challenge one where you draw robots?


2022-12-26 23:34

It's a drawing prompt. That is, a piece of prose written with the purpose of giving people something to draw. Not specifically about drawing robots, but rather expressing personality in everyday machines.


2022-12-26 23:48

Gotcha! Thanks. I'm just always leery whenever I see the words "AI" and "prompt" anywhere lol.


2022-12-26 23:50

Lol in all fairness that makes a lot of sense.