Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Maybe this time?


2021-11-10 21:43


Im 21 and always wanted to get better at drawing but just never sat down and really learned what I need to over and over again and always severely struggle to come up with ideas of what to draw but I know thats because my lack of capability for the most part for not knowing how to go about approaching things

I recently got a iPad Pro 11 and apple pen and got the urge to actually try to improve this time and not just draw a little bit and then give up because I cant see progression

Im mainly curious on what order I should be learning things?

Ive started looking into perspective and anatomy but realise I have a really long path ahead of me so all advice would be greatly appreciated


2021-11-11 15:28

As this question is more general, you're probably gonna want to ask it over on /r/learnart or /r/learntodraw to get a more varied response. That said, I can tell you this - this subreddit in particular is built around the free, structured lessons over on drawabox.com (as explained here), which do try to help beginners kind of get a sense of the core fundamentals of drawing, so they can move forward with more confidence towards whatever it is they themselves wish to learn to draw.

Fair warning though - while it is geared towards beginners, it is an intensive course, and a lot of students do have a tough time with it. One of the most challenging aspects of it is that it exposes students to complex concepts simply as introductions, where they're not necessarily expected to fully understand them just yet. Rather, it's like planting a seed, that will be nurtured over time. In general, we regard failure (making mistakes and such) as a very useful learning tool, and one that should be valued rather than avoided or feared. That does, however, go against a long academic tradition of making kids terrified of making mistakes.

Also, as a course it's highly recommended that it's tackled with pen and paper, for the reasons explained in this article.

Anyway, even if you are interested in Drawabox, I'd still recommend asking this question over at the other communities I mentioned, so you can get a wider variety of responses and options.