Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Digital Art


2023-04-18 19:08


So, Im still a beginner (almost done with lesson 1) but I found I like drawing in photoshop (iPad) better than traditional. Its just easier to get in my flow state and just have fun to be honest. Would it be ok to do the warmups and exercises on paper but do my actual drawings on my iPad or would it hold me back?


2023-04-18 21:55

For the reasons explained in Lesson 0, anything you do in relation to this course - homework and warmups included - is best done in ink on paper. Remember that the recommended medium is chosen not based on what you're most comfortable with, what you prefer, or what you ultimately intend to work with long term, it's based on what will help you internalize and apply the concepts of the lesson as effectively as possible.

There's nothing at all wrong with working digitally (I myself do all my professional and personal work digitally), but every tool is chosen based on the task it is performing - in this case, that task is learning, and internalizing good habits.

Of course, you can and should feel free to work through the 50% rule using your iPad, or whatever other tools you're inclined to use.


2023-04-18 22:20

Thats what I was saying, do drawabox on pen and paper but the other 50% using my iPad. Unless as a beginner there would be some disadvantage to doing that.


2023-04-18 22:24

Oh, sorry- I misread it as "can I do my warmups digitally". Yes, you absolutely can do your 50% rule work digitally. I believe it's mentioned both in the video and the written material that this is perfectly okay. In fact, I encourage it.


2023-04-18 22:25

Sweet thank you!