
Basics Brawler

Joined 2 months ago

50 Reputation

parappa_catkin's Sketchbook

  • Basics Brawler
    3:16 PM, Monday April 22nd 2024

    Thank you. I'll take that on and do my best.

    7:20 AM, Sunday April 21st 2024

    My corrections. I had to send my other pages elsewhere to have them scanned, so these are new ones, with pictures taken from my phone.

    I will admit, there is a lot of fear still associated with this process for me. I still don't think I have any better of an idea how to visualize these 3D shapes and I'm not certain the 250 boxes will help. I'm working on correcting ny hand tremor but these may be the straightest lines I am capable of. I don't know that for sure, but I often look back at lines that I ghosted and quickly struck in one solid, quick mark and I am shocked to find that it is crooked, wobbly and seems unconfident. The lines I draw with my wrist are both straighter and more accurate. None of the lines you see in these new pages are done with only my wrist.

    None of this needs to be responded to of course, but I say it just in case it helps clarify my position.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

This is a remarkable little pen. Technically speaking, any brush pen of reasonable quality will do, but I'm especially fond of this one. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.

Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.

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