Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Xybb in the post "Circles/Squares in Perspective"

2022-02-14 21:18

Your answer is very much appreciated and helps a lot. My concern was that my understanding of the content was wrong because i assumed It was a rule that's Set in stone. Equipped with that knowledge i now know better where eyeballing is Close enough and when constructing is in Order.

I was doubting my own Research and didnt find an answer to that contradicting information, so thanks again for Clearing that mystery

Xybb in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-10-28 22:40

Heya Uncomfortable,

I finally finished my homework for lesson 4:


Took me quite a while this time. The scorpion especially gave me a lot of trouble so I included a couple of my failed attempts and also the praying mantis was kinda hard, but gave that one only a single try.

Thank you for your feedback.

Xybb in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-19 17:28

Heya Uncomfortable,

here is my submission for the homework for lesson 3: https://imgur.com/a/K43IKDB

For the first page I forgot that it had to be without any details, so I did the 4 pages after that without any details (except for the cactus I guess, sometimes I just can't seem to stop). On the first page I went overboard on the ink, so I also tried to reduce that for the subsequent drawings.

Overall I noticed that I tend to mess up proportions somewhat, for example the stems usually were to big. All in all not my most favorite subject and I think it kind of shows in some places (e.g. page 4 right side). The mushrooms were a lot of fun however.

As always, thanks a lot for your work.

Xybb in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-09-12 11:26

Thank you, that's nice to hear :)).

Xybb in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-09-12 07:58

Heya Uncomfortable,

done with lesson 2: https://imgur.com/a/tS5Fgrw.

Some thoughts:

I think I could have pushed the foreshortening on the arrows a little bit more. However they still feel believable enough so I didn't bother redoing them.

I had a bit more trouble doing the contour lines so that's what I chose as my warmup routine for most of the exercises. Especially for the ellipses with larger degrees the axis seems to shift so it was hard for me to align them correctly (my arm naturally seems to rotate the axis of the ellipses as I try to increase the degree).

My very first try at dissection turned out poor (top left page 1 of the dissections), I think I was way to loose with my lines. The others seem to have turned out okay, except for the unnecessary hatching in the tentacles and especially the cactus.

I feel quite confident with my form intersections, although I still seem to have trouble drawing believable cubes and still keeping the foreshortening consistent/shallow (the box in rightmost bottom jumps out to me). I do see some errors in the intersections but for the most part I am quite pleased with the result. I also experimented a lot with the lineweight between the pages and I like where I am headed with page 4.

My organic interesections however seem to be a mess, especially with the contour lines with all the overlapping forms right in the center. Should I use lineweight on these to seperate them out better? Maybe I went a little overboard with the shadow in some areas too.

Sorry for the wall of text. Anyways, thank you for everything =).