Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Wyrine in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-12-15 00:23

Here is my lesson 4: https://imgur.com/a/s31Sk

I had some problem with my line weight from the 3rd page because I had to change my pen ink. It's getting better, but I could felt a loss of quality in my line weight for a while.

Thanks for the review :)

Wyrine in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-12-05 01:27

Hi uncomfortable,

Here is my lesson 3: https://imgur.com/a/yC6Hb

As always, thank you for your advices!

Wyrine in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-11-22 11:13

Hi Uncomfortable,

Here is my lesson 2: https://imgur.com/a/7ozIm

Thank you in advance for your review!

Wyrine in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-11-15 03:53

Hi Uncomfortable,

Here is my 250 box challenge: https://imgur.com/a/ZTgmS

I had some trouble at first because I didn't have the right posture. It took me a few days to adjust.

For the last three pages, my pen start to ran out of ink, so it made the exercise more difficult.

Overall, I really struggle doing this exercise, I thought it would take me 10 days, but it took me 20 days. There is a kind of boxes that were really difficult to do, and even more difficult to correct (the thin ones with two vanishing point).

Anyway, your review will be greatly appreciated!

Wyrine in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-11-01 02:23

Thank you, this is the answer I needed! There is actually a lot of really useful information on this page, so I'll be sure to check that page next time before I ask another question.

Wyrine in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-10-30 21:52

Thank you for your review! It helps a lot! Regarding the rough perspective boxes, this is weird, I checked the self critic page, and I missed the big and red box about it... I'll be sure to review my work with a ruler.

I have a question though regarding the ellipses and circles. When I'm doing line, boxes or anything straight, I use my elbow as a support. But I can't do that for circles. I have to raise my elbow above the desk but then I don't have any support and my lines seems not good. My arm is floating above my paper.

It might sound stupid, but I'm trying hard to apply what you said about not using the wrist and only the shoulder (and elbow I guess, even though you haven't said so) but for circle/ellipses I found it very hard.

What kind of advise could you give me regarding that? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Should I train about drawing without "support"? Something is not clicking about it, and your help your be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure I'm clear enough regarding this problem. I can try to explain myself better is this is not enough.

Anyway, I'll be moving to the 250 boxes challenge tonight and be sure to continue working on my circles/ellipses as well.

Wyrine in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-10-29 18:56

I made a mistake when I pasted the link, sorry! I changed the link in the original message.

Wyrine in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-10-29 09:46

Hi Uncomfortable!

I just joined patreon under the same pseudonyme, Wyrine.

I finished the first lesson, so here's my submission: https://imgur.com/a/n6vRQ

I had some trouble with the circles exercises. Lines are ok I guess, but I feel terrible about the elipses and circles... I'll probably redo the rotated boxes exercise also. Anyway, your advise are welcome! Thanks!