Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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WolfyMr in the post "Show Us Your Progress!"

2015-08-10 01:58

hehe, thx for the help guys, i just want to get better because there's a webcomic that i want to begin and it's stuck in my head.

/u/VergilSD thx for those websites, i'll look more in detail

/u/Uncomfortable OMG thx for showing the brand you use, there's a store called Kalunga that's selling for R$47,00 for only 6 of them, thx a lot!!

WolfyMr in the post "Show Us Your Progress!"

2015-08-09 23:50

hi, i like to introduce myself, but i don't want to show my progress since im still in the basics, though, idk, my arm, for some reason, doesn't want to learn the 1st lesson you made.

I mean, i skipped the 1st lesson and started the 2nd one, when i did it, my drawin was far supperior than the practices i made on the 1st lesson, i think it's that, when i learned a new thing, my brain, nor my arm wants to learn that again because it's already on their heads.

Anyway, hopefully i'll have better drawings than the ones i make (which was 2 years of self-practice and 1 year of not drawing btw), just wanted to share what person you're teaching right now.

EDIT: Forgot to add, i'll be using pencil for the entirety of your lessons, reason is that, i live in Brazil, and here, for no reason, they put a ink pen R$ 299.00 (it' about $ 84.7866, if you're from USA), because of that, im triing to do a little trick, i'll be using pencil, but, without an eraser, remember when you told that pencil drawing is more forgiving than ink? That's what im gonna try to do, turn this pencil an Ink pen making myself restricted from using an eraser, futhermore, im drawing on another drawing notebook instead of the one that i draw more serious drawings.