Whitehills in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"
2016-07-11 19:25
I tried, but I really don't like the rotated boxes exercise. Anyways, here it is.
I tried, but I really don't like the rotated boxes exercise. Anyways, here it is.
Whitehills in the post "250 Box Challenge"
2016-10-05 16:25
Heya, it's been a while. I guess i've been taking it kinda slow; anyway, here's the boxes
There's probably a bunch to say about this, let's see
I still feel like my lines are still very wobbly and I overshoot/miss my target way more than i should so I definitly need to focus more on ghosing and really taking my time. (I'm impatient... ugh)
My corrections... sadly I did them at the end of it all, because only on the last few pages i remembered that part... I'm stupid sometimes, I think they would have been better if done after every page and also i wouldn't have felt so urged to do them so they would have been better.
Switching pens helped, I feel more comfortable with the one I'm using now and I hope it reflects on the quality of my lines towards the end.
I need to stay calm and not draw when I'm emotional if i want to do something of quality.
There's probably more, but i finished all this at around the beginning of september so I guess i forgot.
Thanks in advance for the critique and also for the last one, it really gives good perspective on things, not like friends that always just tell you everything is awesome, that doesnt help.