Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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wallsquirrel in the post "Pain when drawing from shoulder."

2022-12-15 04:25

Yep, I do that to for the same reason. Another one is to hold a foam roller on the wall so you can get both your forearms on it with the thumb side of your hand facing you. Then roll it up and down with just your forearms, around shoulder height, like 10 inches up and ten inches down. Anyway, I'm going to get back to drawing boxes, haha. Have a good one.

wallsquirrel in the post "Pain when drawing from shoulder."

2022-12-15 03:29

I went to a physical therapist for inside my shoulder pain. My favorite exercise for it is lay on your side and raise your arm (the one closest to the ceiling) straight up toward the ceiling and rotate (twist) your entire arm from hand to shoulder first all the way one direction then all the way the other direction, like you're turning a doorknob on the ceiling but using your entire straight arm. Do the other side. 12 times each for a few days then increase it to two sets of twelve. Use a light hand weight too, if you want.