Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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VeryNovemberous in the post "Looking for tips/advice to get through the insect lesson, cause I keep getting too creeped out"

2022-03-29 17:49

Hm, in that case I think your only option is to either skip the lesson or just do it in small bites. Be mindful of when your mind starts to go there and stop once it does, even if that means only drawing for a minute or two.

Alternatively--study arthropod locomotion and learn how it works.

I used to be really skeezed out by centipedes. It started to bother me so I spent a day learning everything I could about centipedes. They're still not my faves and I would never want to touch or hold one, but now I can see them at a zoo or pet store without getting big heebies.

VeryNovemberous in the post "Looking for tips/advice to get through the insect lesson, cause I keep getting too creeped out"

2022-03-29 17:25

Hm, that's a shame. What about using toy insects like these? They have pretty realistic shapes but very limited details. You probably won't find any good pictures of them online but could get a pack for cheap at a Walmart/craft store/toy store.

VeryNovemberous in the post "Looking for tips/advice to get through the insect lesson, cause I keep getting too creeped out"

2022-03-29 16:20

What kinds have you tried to draw? Have you tried ladybugs, mantises, moths/butterflies, pill bugs, or jumping spiders? Most people aren't too freaked out by them.