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venusflycat in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-12-27 01:42


I feel like adding a bit more segmentation and contour lines helped with the beetles. Obviously my caterpillars proportions are off and it's really fat, but I feel like it's alright. I did have some problems with it looking 3D and flowing in space. I guess I'm not entirely sure how to make the head look like its curving and coming out in front of the body. My proportions and observational skills need work but I hope it's a step in the right direction. I'm not really happy with any of them, and these few were pretty frustrating in general, but oh well. Hope you have a good holiday and new year. Thanks for the work you put in

venusflycat in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-11-25 19:19


I tried to keep all of my forms and shapes really simple but I think the only insect that really turned out accurately is the bee. I really struggled with the grasshopper and I feel like my legs need work with proportion and size, in addition to everything lacking dimension and flowing into 3D space. Oh well, I hope the construction aspect is a little better at least.

venusflycat in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-10-31 03:49


I feel pretty good about these, but the praying mantis was really challenging and I'm still not completely happy with that one. I'm still trying to improve on breaking down forms and confidently make marks flow through 3D space. I'm a bit confused on how to construct shadows too. Also, I think my contour curves could've flown around my forms a bit better. Thanks in advance for your critique, looking forward to it.

venusflycat in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-10-27 17:23

Thanks for the feedback, I wanted to try out some of the advise you mentioned before moving on. I tried to draw my leafs with a bit more confidence and I think I improved in that aspect, but my texture and shading need some work. I've started the texture challenge so hopefully that'll improve over time. And I think the tips on drawing stems seemed to help too. Just needs some practice, like everything.


(Source) https://www.lovethegarden.com/sites/default/files/Aloe_vera_plant.JPG

venusflycat in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-10-24 03:32


For the drawings that had demos, I feel like I did alright, but when I tried the constructional approach to any other plant, it didn't really work and my drawings looked really stiff- https://imgur.com/gallery/SqeJe

I still feel like every drawing is pretty limited to the 2d space of the page and I'm not really sure how to get past that or break down my forms to make them really occupy 3D space. Oh well, hope you can provide some direction on where to go from here. Thanks in advance

venusflycat in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-10-12 01:01


Hopefully this is a bit better. Thanks for the patience!

venusflycat in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-10-11 18:08


Thanks for the good advise. I think my contour lines definitely benefitted from the overshooting technique and I can see some improvement.

I also wanted to try some more arrows too. I'm not sure if I pulled off the 3D effect with them though. Oh well, it's good to get the practice anyways.

venusflycat in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-10-07 03:17


Lesson 2- I had some confusion on which parts of the arrows to close in and shade, but I think they're okay. The texture on my first attempts of dissection aren't good at all, but I feel like I got the hang of it on my latest attempts. The form intersections were really difficult. After watching the video breakdown, I feel like I had a better grasp of it but they (obviously) still need a lot of practice. Oh well, I learned a lot and had a good time and enjoyed the lesson.

venusflycat in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-09-26 12:47


Finally finished, overall I'd say that it was great practice and that I improved over the course of the exercise. That being said, I think I still have a ways to go with everything. Thanks in advance for taking a look!