Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Utsuroo in the post "Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: Drawing Lines That Aren't Shitty"

2016-06-11 01:47

Thanks for clarifying. They generally told me to do quick figure sketches no matter if we had 30m or 30s. If we were gained 30 minutes to draw our model, we would instinctively all slow down and our professor would see that and say "Everyone speed up, looks like you're slowing down!". We'd do a quick gesture sketch then refine with regular components such as your tutorial. I think what I was getting at was the 'prelude' to what you described? I definitely understand slowing down and breaking the figure into shapes after the loose study is done.

Utsuroo in the post "Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: Drawing Lines That Aren't Shitty"

2016-06-11 01:14

Sorry I'm just getting a little confused if this is the case, why was I told to do 30s, 60s, 120s figure drawings if I should instead ghost my strokes? Once again I apologize for the concerns!

Utsuroo in the post "Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: Drawing Lines That Aren't Shitty"

2016-06-11 00:31

Right. How do I know if I'm doing this? It's always been my style to quickly do sketchy gestures because that's when my hand is the loosest. I stray away from the tighter strokes at first. I then proceed to revise them and such.

Utsuroo in the post "Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: Drawing Lines That Aren't Shitty"

2016-06-10 18:21

Hey Uncomfortable just a quick question. In my gesture drawing class we were always conformed and directed by the professor to draw very quickly in our studies. By popular belief I think this is correct but was this was you were talking about? I know ghosting is the multiple air strokes before the strike, but for quick sketches and such to get the idea that isn't being proposed as bad by you is it? I might be a little confused hahah sorry maybe I could get some clarification.