Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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TrevorKashey in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-11-13 09:27

Perfect. Thank you. Onward!

TrevorKashey in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-11-12 10:12

Uncomfortable, here are my follow up 100 boxes.


Long lines are tough! Thank you for the hatching tip, it did help.

Drawing through forms wasn't easy for me and the practice was good.

TrevorKashey in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-11-02 09:51


My 250 Box challenge (wherein I did a few more boxes on accident)

Unmarked- http://imgur.com/a/Z2YXv

Marked- http://imgur.com/a/pL1k6

A few things-

I didnt absorb all of the directions correctly because Im a Dope. However, I figured Id submit for critique regardless. If a redo is required its always a chance to get better armed with critique.

  1. Since I didnt read the directions correctly I decided to take this as an opportunity to redo some of the box

    exercises that I feel I struggled with the most in my lesson one submission. Namely the sphere box exercise

    (each one took me hours, I tell you).

1a. Even though I realized in hindsight this doesnt follow the challenge as stated. (e.g. the exercises required some

 boxes to overlap) I feel I made considerable improvements with making boxes and the other things the exercises

 were meant to communicate. 
  1. In some cases drawing the form lines were extremely distracting for me, I ended up getting lost. In other pages I

    didnt do them to compare with myself.

2a. Some instances I only had access to a ballpoint pen and others I had my felt tip. As a result, some of the sheets

  have a combination of both. This was actually a cool experience for me. I realized now that every single pen I see

  is a different tool I can use rather than just trash. Its really changed my outlook on the humble bic. That being

  said I decided to goof off some with some things like hatching where I probably shouldnt have. Sigh. 
  1. Line weights were relatively arbitrary because Im a ding dong and really just practicing going over a line and not

    goofing up more than which line to go over in particular.

  2. After submission to IMGUR I also realized that the just labeled the amount of boxes per page rather than the

    individual boxes. Sigh^2.