Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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ThunderEasy in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-18 01:14

Yo, TA qzhans here to give you a critique! Uncomfortable will be by later to make sure everything's in order.

Before we begin, I just want to congratulate you on giving those 250 500 boxes a good ol pen and ink smackdown. You've done something crazy.

The first thing I notice is how you've drawn through all your boxes and extended every single last line out to check your errors. Youve made a marked improvement throughout the set, and your convergences are looking very tidy on that last page.

I also like you've used line weight to reinforce the silhouettes of your boxes and help them pop out. I do see a few places where there is a tendency to get sketchy with it, so just be careful with that. Remember, confidence before accuracy.

I am concerned a little bit about the size of your boxes, and I can't help but think you could've drawn a few really big ones, but that is just a small nitpick.

I've said that your convergences are pretty good, but I'll offer you some advice anyway just for some extra value: when you go to draw a line, think only about the lines that are supposed to be parallel to it (share a vanishing point). Lines closer to an existing line will converge slower, while the opposite is true for lines further away.

Overall, awesome job. I salute you, and send you off to Lesson 2!

ThunderEasy in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-17 15:24

Heyo, TA qzhans here to give you a critique!

Before we begin, I just want to congratulate you on giving those 250 boxes a good ol pen and ink smackdown. It's one hell of an exercise, but youve joined the prestiged club of its completers.

The first thing I'd like to address is how your use of the error checking method, where we extend our lines back out to their vanishing point, fell off throughout the set. I know its tempting to skip it when you feel like you got a box just perfect or when you can blatantly see that its wrong (believe me, Ive been there). But taking the time to extend those lines really helps internalize exactly how far you were off, and is part of the positive feedback loop that will ultimately solidify your convergences.

Additionally, you have drawn a lot of your boxes quite small. I would say 2-6 boxes is a good number per page, as you want to do some especially big ones. This also allows you to do very flat or long boxes, which you should try.

Also, I noticed that you stopped hatching some of your boxes. Usually this isn't a big problem, but combined with not extending your lines, it can be very difficult to tell when you have a correct box or not.

Overall, your boxes don't show any glaring errors to the naked eye, but without that convergence checking, I can't be sure. So I'll offer some advice anyway, think of it as an on-the-house freebie: When you go to draw a line, think only about the lines that are supposed to be parallel to it (share a vanishing point). Lines closer to an existing line will converge slower, while the opposite is true for lines further away.

A final nitpick is lineweight. I'm not seeing very much of it, and it can be useful to go over the silhouette once to help your boxes pop off the page. Just be sure not to do it to all the lines.

I think you've certainly gotten great mileage out of this exercise and your boxes have definitely been better for it. However, I do want to make sure that you've internalized the main ideas in this exercise. Therefore, I'd like to see 10 more boxes with hatching and extended lines, with no more than 4 boxes per page (you should have some with 2 boxes per page). Really try to fill these up. You've already done 250, this is just the final sprint to the finishing line. Fight on!

ThunderEasy in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-16 18:58

Howdy, TA qzhans here to give you a critique! Uncomfortable will be by later to make sure everything's in order.

Before we begin, I just want to congratulate you on giving those 250 boxes a good ol pen and ink smackdown. It is a MASSIVE undertaking and youve joined the prestiged club of its completers.

Youve painstakingly drawn through all your boxes and extended every single last line out to check your errors, and your boxes have been better for it. Indeed, youve made a marked improvement throughout the set!

I do see something strange with your linework that I can't quite place. There's a little bit of arcing and wobbling here and there, especially in your reinforced lines, but your accuracy is almost perfect. This signals to me that you might be drawing too slowly, but I could be wrong. Either way, I will reiterate that a confident line looks better than a wobbly, accurate one.

Another concern is that you have drawn a lot of your boxes quite small. I would say 2-6 boxes is a good number per page, as you want to do some especially big ones. This also allows you to do very flat or long boxes, which you should try. A good example is your last page.

Also, you've done a pretty good job with convergences but some of your middle back lines are still stubbornly not jumping in line with the rest of them. Thats okay, and is something that can be ironed out the more you do this, and Ill offer some advice for ya. When you go to draw a line, think only about the lines that are supposed to be parallel to it (share a vanishing point). Lines closer to an existing line will converge slower, while the opposite is true for lines further away.

Overall however, this is some good work, and I don't have any qualms about waiving you past. I salute you, and send you off to Lesson 2!

ThunderEasy in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-12 15:07

Heyo, TA qzhans here to give you a critique! Uncomfortable will be by later to make sure everything's in order.

Before anything however, I've gotta congratulate you on giving those 250 boxes a good ol pen and ink smack in the face. Its a tough number, and youve earned your place in the hall of its completers.

Scrolling through this album, I'm pleased to see that youve drawn through all your boxes and extended every single last line out to check your errors. I do want to say a little bit about how far you've extended out those lines. Throughout the set, they got shorter and shorter, to the point where they weren't really out far enough to see if your convergences were lining up. Remember that it's okay to have those lines collide into other boxes you've drawn.

The second thing I'd like to address is your line quality. I'm seeing a lot of extra lines here and there, perhaps to correct some perceived mistake.Remember that all lines we put down are law, and laying down more lines to fix something will only create more contradictions and draw eyes to a mistake.

Additionally, I'm still seeing some problems with convergences on the last page, so a final thing I wanted to do was give you a piece of advice for those back middle lines that stubbornly diverge from the rest. When you go to draw a line, think only about the lines that are supposed to be parallel to it (share a vanishing point). Lines closer to an existing line will converge slower, while the opposite is true for lines further away.

Despite all, I'm seeing a noticeable improvement in your boxes throughout the set. I salute you, and send you off to Lesson 2!

ThunderEasy in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-10 19:19

Hiya, TA qzhans here to give you a critique! Uncomfortable will be by later to make sure everything's in order.

Before we begin, I just want to congratulate you on giving those 250 boxes a good ol pen and ink slam. It is a MASSIVE undertaking and youve joined the esteemed club of its completers.

One thing I will point out is how your use of the error checking method, where we extend our lines back out to their vanishing point, fell off sometimes throughout the set. I know its tempting to skip it when you feel like you got a box just perfect or when you can blatantly see that its wrong (believe me, Ive been there). But taking the time to extend those lines really helps internalize exactly how far you were off, and is part of the positive feedback loop that will ultimately solidify your convergences.

Additionally, On the boxes you did do error checking on, I'm a little concerned about how you modified the method. Draw through the entire line regardless of whether you're using a ruler or not, it helps you to see if your ruler line was off. It should look like this.

Despite that however, the improvements you've made across the set are astonishing, with some of the convergences reaching laser cut precision. I will offer some advice however for those mischievous middle back lines: When you go to draw a line, think only about the lines that are supposed to be parallel to it (share a vanishing point). Lines closer to an existing line will converge slower, while the opposite is true for lines further away.

Overall, solid work on this and I have no qualms about marking this one complete. See you in lesson 2!

ThunderEasy in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-10 15:30

Howdy, TA qzhans here to give you a critique! Uncomfortable will be by later to make sure everything's in order.

Before we begin, I just want to congratulate you on giving those 250 boxes a good ol pen and ink smackdown. It is a MASSIVE undertaking and youve joined the special club of its completers.

The next thing I want to congratulate you on is your amazing work here. Youve carefully drawn through all your boxes and extended every single last line out to check your errors, and your boxes have been better for it. Really, I can see a marked improvement throughout the set, with some of the boxes reaching laser cut precision.

Looking through this, I do see the line quality get sloppy at times. The only thing I can recommend is to just take it easy; remember, this is not a sprint, this is not a marathon, this is a journey across a continent.

Despite that, I do like what you've done with line weight, it really does help the boxes pop off the page.

Though you've done an overall great job with convergences, there's sometimes where that middle back line jumps stubbornly out of line. I can offer some advice on this: when you go to draw a line, think only about the lines that are supposed to be parallel to it (share a vanishing point). Lines closer to an existing line will converge slower, while the opposite is true for lines further away.

This is a really solid submission, and I have no qualms about marking this complete. I salute you, and send you off to Lesson 2!

ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-03 21:53

Thanks for the feed back uncomfortable! I'll make sure to continue hitting myself over the head with what you've said going into lesson 6.

ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-03 15:30

Hi, here are my animals.


Thanks for your time!

ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-05-20 18:17

that clears it up, thanks

ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-05-20 17:50

Thanks for the feedback uncomfortable. The issue that I'm running into with contour curves is I think I have a misunderstanding of how to properly prepare for them. Do I ghost just the curve, or do I ghost an ellipse underneath and then only draw halfway through? Do I try to do it in one confident stroke, or go a bit slower and make sure that the line wraps around properly?

ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-05-20 03:25

Yeesh, bugs are gross.


As always, thanks for your time!

ThunderEasy in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-05-05 16:54

Yeah its frustrating seeing my mistakes sometimes and I give in to the temptation of redoing the mark. Thanks for the reminder uncomfortable

ThunderEasy in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-05-04 20:56

Hi, here's my 250 cylinders.


As always, thank you for your time!

ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-07 21:31

That's actually something I saw that you said to another person, and I'm a little confused about it. I just did a 15 minute warm up and began on the exercises. I even did a practice page of contour ellipses and curves before the ones that I submitted. Should I have waited until tomorrow to do them?

ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-07 18:46

Hey uncomfortable, in the process of doing this exercise I began to see (painfully) how much my markmaking/ghosting is still lacking. I think the problems you noticed are still present in this second attempt, and I'll try and pull this exercise out some more during daily warm-up. Thanks again!


ThunderEasy in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-06 18:58

Hello, here's my lesson two!


As always, thank you for your time!