Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Sugarfight in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 2)"

2015-07-12 13:41

I'm just going to pre-empt here that you should probably look over the lesson again because it doesn't look like you did all the homework. You're missing the planes exercise from part 1, and all homework from part 2 (ellipses) and part 3 (boxes).

In order to help reduce the workload, /u/Uncomfortable will no longer be writing critiques for homework that does not follow the requirements (medium, quantity, completion of previous lessons etc) stipulated in the lesson notes (which can be found in the comments section of every lesson). You will be asked to do it again.

If you want a critique and some direction, you can submit your homework for review as a comment on this lesson's post on /r/ArtFundamentals. If you do choose to submit, please be sure to complete the homework in its entirety (all three parts as prescribed: lines, ellipses and boxes) in the required medium/media. While I am happy to help out, it does take a lot of time, and I'd greatly appreciate it if the time is taken to fully read and digest the material.