Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
suddenly_ponies's Comments | Check out their posts instead

suddenly_ponies in the post "Are drawing skills like "riding a bike", once you know how to do it you never forget? Or do you have to continue practicing to not lose your skill?"

2022-09-19 13:14

> ama

Ok, here's the obvious one: what do you mean? How do you "take care" of your eye and how do you lose it?

suddenly_ponies in the post "Doing texture exercises, would it be cheating to sketch out the texture in pencil first? Im finding it challenging to draw in details without mapping out the biggest shapes/shadows"

2022-06-29 01:22

I definitely think it's cheating per the exercise itself, but if you have to to get it done, so be it. It's also "cheating" to fail and retry, but I did that damned rotated box exercise 7 times until I finally figured out what I was doing wrong.