Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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steadyh32 in the post "25 Wheel Challenge"

2019-04-13 20:39

Hi Uncomfortable,

I finished the 25 wheels challenge


steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2019-03-30 18:48

I have one question for the Wheel Challenge.

The largest ellipses I can draw with my guide is this big - https://imgur.com/a/23GAyyu . They seem very small without a lot of room for details. What will you suggest ? Should I do them freehand or stick with the ellipse guide ?

And also thank you for the critique, this lesson really changes the way of thinking when drawing in 3D.

steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2019-03-29 22:43

Hey, Uncomfortable

I'm done with the homework for Lesson 6


steadyh32 in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-03-14 18:21

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here are the 250 cylinders.

With half of the last cylinders I marked where the ellipse should touch the walls, considering the VPs, before drawing it. Hope that's no cheating. I also tried to guess the contact points, but it works much better when I have these guides beforehand.

And I don't know what happened with some of the ellipses, my hand was just dettached from the mind.


steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2019-02-28 16:55

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here are completed pages for Lesson 5.


steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2019-02-12 23:55

Great, Thank you again for your time, fast response and everything you do !

I will check ur notes more closely

and I'm looking forward to see what you prepared for us with the animals \^\^

steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2019-02-12 12:32

Hey, Uncomfortable

I'm done with Lesson 4 .


steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2019-01-29 17:32

Hey, Uncomfortable

I'm done with Lesson 3 .


steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2019-01-10 19:41

Hey Boss, Lesson 2 is done.

Just a few thoughts I had on the exerices

I just feel relieved if I throw them here and not staying in my head. I would like to know if such comments are unnecessary for future submits.

Texture analysis - I was really impatient, confused and admit that kindaaa rushed it.

Intersections - Although I smashed some figures in Blender (I hope not cheating) I still have no idea what most of the intersections should be.

Organic forms - 0 shadow consideration, shadows and lights from every direction.

Thank you for your time !

steadyh32 in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-12-15 14:30

Hey there,

Finally I'm done with my 250 boxes .

My struggle that still lasts after my final box was establishing the initial outline of the box, i.e the vanishing points using mostly eye measuring.

With wrong initial vanishing points, there isn't a way all of the 3 inner lines to match in the same point, so I had to make a compromise and chose 2/3 lines that match and that's why most of the time one of the inner lines go in different direction than others.

I didn't go all the way with the pen, i.e. ghosting it and placing the points within or outisde the paper, but just trying to establish the angle of each line in a small segment of the page.

Looking forward for your critique, Thanks :)

steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-12-03 22:27

Thank you very much, notes taken !

steadyh32 in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-12-03 15:02

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here is my Homework .

I have one struggle that's not related with the lesson itself but I had to skip drawing for 1+ month because of it.

Part of the assignments are from September and the rest of them I made this week.

I catch myself that I'm gripping the pen too hard but then I dont have much control of it when drawing something more detailed. Any tips on this or it's just a bad habit that will go away if I keep catching myself ?

Thanks for the time and the great work !

EDIT: I'm really not satisfied with my Funnels and elipses overall. With funnels I try to be loose (trying to draw them kind of fast) but they look too ease. I think I don't find the perfect speed and thinking that if drawing it slower its not gonna be loose and confident.