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StarmanTheta in the post "State of the Union - September vacation, and dealing with the overwhelming number of homework submissions"

2016-09-04 18:12

Ah, my apologies. I must have misinterpreted. In any case, thanks for the answer, it cleared things up.

StarmanTheta in the post "State of the Union - September vacation, and dealing with the overwhelming number of homework submissions"

2016-09-04 02:38

Hey so this may be off topic, but I got a dumb question.

So I only just recently discovered this sub and I want to really start drawing. I got the sketchpad and pens and everything. However, I'm a bit confused on some things. This topic seems the best to ask, given the circumstances:

  1. I've come across a lot of tutorials that I've been trying to follow, and in my lurking I've noticed that in a lot of the homework threads, and indeed the site itself, you seem to stress perfecting one lesson before moving onto another, as well as sometimes requiring additional homework before one moves on. My question is are we supposed to focused exclusively on one thing before doing anything else? By which I mean, if I'm on lesson, say, 4, am I to do absolutely nothing BUT lesson 4 until it is turned in and approved or am I free to experiment with separate tutorials or my own doodles until someone responds?

  2. Following number 1, should you be unable to give critique on homework again in the future, either due to being burnt out or some other reason, should I wait until you are able to review homework again to move on or should I just move on when I feel I've 'got it'?

  3. How much time am I expected to be working on each exercise? I am told it takes 20 hours to get good at something, though I don't know if that's 20 hours per exercise or 20 hours of practice total. I only ask because I want to make sure I can schedule the time--I'm currently trying for an hour of practice each day but I don't know if I should be doing more.