Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Shen_an_igator in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-04-29 20:49

Thank you!

I know which lines you mean; those happened when frustration set in. Actively working on that. That kind of frustration is terrible to have in all areas of life (speaking from experience).

Shen_an_igator in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-04-28 21:45

Here's your tribute.

250 boxes, or rather two sets of 125 because I forgot which number I was at

I also restarted twice, So I am at about 700 boxes and I don't wanna talk about it. But most of my time was wasted on the first tries anyway, misunderstood the task.

Edit: I also redid my ellipses, like you told me when I submitted lesson 1. But for the life of me, I can't find my comment from back then. Could you take a quick look at them anyway? That'd be mighty fine :) Ellipses

Shen_an_igator in the post "Can DrawABox lessons be done digitally, rather than traditionally?"

2018-01-22 01:13

They can, but typically you will learn faster doing them traditionally.

Just remember: No matter what you use, the concepts always remain the same. Changing tools takes way less time than being confident in your abilities to apply the concepts of drawing :)

Shen_an_igator in the post "I gave in. We now have an official Discord server."

2017-10-15 00:05

You should gather companions and convince someone to create a discord! Apparently works well ;)

Shen_an_igator in the post "I gave in. We now have an official Discord server."

2017-10-14 22:07

So, the small boxes finally beat the big box into submission. CAN'T BEAT THE BOXES.