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shcromlet in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-12-21 20:39

Thanks! Here's the three exercises you asked for. Every line is ghosted on these, but there's definitely still shakiness, especially on short lines.

On the rotated box exercise, I always have trouble with knowing where to put the four fully-rotated cubes in the beginning. I end up putting them too far out, attempt to compensate poorly, and end up with weird rectangles on the edges. I assume this is a common problem.

I did check the angles on the rough perspective boxes with a ruler, but I didn't have another color of pen, so I didn't mark them in any way.

Also, do you have thoughts about keeping a sketchbook and drawing from life while working through your exercises?

shcromlet in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-12-12 21:26

Hi! Here's my first submission!

I've been following your lessons and drawing most days for a couple months now, but just started paying you, so all of these feel old to me, except the organic perspective boxes, which I skipped before.

The rotated box exercise was a failure for me when I tried it in October, but I scanned in two of my partial attempts. Hopefully that's sufficient.

I'm already making headway on the 250 box challenge, since that's what you seem to be assigning people next. I'm happy to go back if you think any of this is crap.

One thing I've been thinking about while doing the 250 box challenge is whether or not to pre-visualize the boxes as best I can. Often I just plot two dots on the page and see where the lines take me. Should I be trying to hold a rotated box in mind first, and then create it?

Also, I purchased the Scott Robertson How to Draw book that you recommended, and it's amazing. He's surprisingly excited about cars, which I find amusing, but of course he's a master craftsman and his techniques apply to everything. Your newest video today got me wondering whether or not you'd be coming up with new exercises along the lines of the complex constructions detailed in the book.

Lastly, I'm really into the idea of figure drawing as my goal, so I'm excited to hear that you're going to be updating those lessons.

Thanks for everything you do!