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Sephirenn in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-01-20 20:51

No details!

I officially hate plants. Haha. I hope these are following your instruction correctly. Let me know if you meant something else when you asked me not to add details at all.

This time I also drew in the lay-in forms pretty strongly, and it sometimes makes the resulting drawing seem a little busy. But I figured that was okay since we are focusing on those forms and not a polished end-state drawing.

Sephirenn in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-01-16 20:50

Here are the new pages!

Thank you for taking the time to critique and create specific visual notes that I could use! Hopefully these new ones are better from a 3D form perspective, though I'm still occasionally crashing and burning (i.e. the flowers on page 3).

One thing that I'm finding troubles with somewhat frequently (but not always) is line weights. Mainly, I draw my lay-ins, then block out more detailed shapes. Then I add weight to the overlap lines. I'm finding that after I do that, I've got lines in the background that are too dark when compared to the foreground objects. And on top of that, trying to keep in mind to only darken one side of the object in the foreground, I start to get a little confused as to what lines to darken in what priority order.

Hopefully that makes sense. Does the line weight stuff start to become more of a general feeling, or should I just be using a greater range of line thickness to show all the different scenarios?

And thanks again for your work teaching and critiquing!

Sephirenn in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-01-11 22:55

Hello! Finally got through lesson 3!

Here it is!

I feel like I did a decent job on the lay-ins, but then when I started on the plants I got real discouraged. I feel like that first page is just no good at all. Then I started to improve, but one major thing I noticed is that I feel like I'm horrible at adding in detail. Once I have the outline done, they start to look good. But as soon as I start detailing/shading, I feel like every single one of them look much much worse. And then the weird thing is that when I finish, about half of them actually turn out pretty decent!

Without rambling too much more, I thought I started out weak, then got stronger and stronger, but then my last page started to go down hill again. I feel like my best are 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17. Also, I can't figure out how to draw branches for shit (that don't look flat)!

PS - I didn't forget about the box challenge. I'm up to 150 boxes so far.

Sephirenn in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-24 16:55

Thanks! I noticed immediately when I had finished that center box that something was off, so I think I may go through the box exercise after all just to get a little more practice. Looking forward to lesson 3!!

Sephirenn in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-23 16:33

Allrighty! I've listened to your tips and completed two more form intersections. I tried to draw the entire shapes before I went back and enphasized the intersections and overlaps. Hopefully this is more towards what you had in mind!

Here they are!

Thanks for the comments on the organic forms and dissections also. It is pretty amazing how interesting a simple shape can become once you add some simple contour lines to it!

Sephirenn in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-18 14:48


Here's my homework for Lesson 2!

As others have been saying, the form intersection was really tough. I actually found a quick online program tinkercad.com to test what some shape intersections looked like (hope that's not cheating!). I didn't build out my structures there or anything, I just used it to see how specific shapes interacted.

Thanks again for putting all of this together, although it takes me a while to finish these exercises, it is really some good fun.