Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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schizofred76 in the post "I cut up a paper towel tube to make a model for drawing cylinders. It's not perfect, but it's been very helpful"

2022-05-24 22:54

The tube is a cylinder?

schizofred76 in the post "Confused about foreshortening"

2021-12-03 05:47

Ill speak and say things the way I wish. Thanks.

I offered sincere advice to the posters question. My advice was exactly what I wrote,USE YOUR EYES. You can practice ,practice, practice, drawing never really using your eyes. A Common mistake artists make is drawing the idea instead of what they actually see, thats why many artists use references. An artist has train the eyes.

Is it Possible maybe some of you area bit sensitive?

schizofred76 in the post "Confused about foreshortening"

2021-12-02 15:23

And I didnt put anyone down. I offered a suggestion. Christ, what are you a child?

schizofred76 in the post "Confused about foreshortening"

2021-12-02 15:21

I was being helpful. Theres no substitute for actually doing the work and studying what youre drawing while actually seeing your subject in real life. Thats why theres hours upon hours of life drawing in art school. Thats why students copy masters work. They just dont read about it. Sorry if the truth was to direct for your delicate ears.

schizofred76 in the post "Confused about foreshortening"

2021-12-02 01:34

Use your eyes. Reading and understanding is one thing, drawing and seeing is something else.