Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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saumanahaii in the post "Concerning the 50% Rule"

2022-02-07 08:52

I've been focusing on street scenes and buildings... Though that's probably being too generous. Ellipses and boxes work great for buildings and columns. Couple that with a bit of perspective workout and it's good enough. I've also started blocking out boxes and planes for construction of things like cars, thanks to a bit too much Youtube wandering. Creating a box and then intersecting it with your planes and then marking out pieces to sketch circles in, measuring with that duplication trick, etc seems to be good practice that's definitely improved the cleanliness of my lines. I didn't realize how much wobble was in them until I started cutting my boxes up.

saumanahaii in the post "Doing the course digitally?"

2021-12-27 05:42

I'm doing it digitally too since I didn't find his arguments very compelling. For me doing it digitally has been the thing that's let me keep up with it this time and I don't really feel its weakened me picking up the material. It's probably controversial but you do you. No one needs to know you disagreed with them on this so long as you're not submitting homework. You also get the added benefit of scripting which you can use to write exercise generators, though that's probably not applicable to everyone. At the end of the day we're all just trying to pick up the skill. Moreover, this isn't meant to be an optimization problem. Whatever gets you through the material, whatever helps you enjoy the exercises and challenges, that's what's going to be best for you.