Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Runensucher in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-05-06 13:46

I wasn't even noticing that I had trouble with this exercise. First I thought, I might've been unfocused, but it was more thant that. Thank you for pointing it out.

[SPOILER] There might be a small improvement, but there was this segment on number six, where it really felt right. [/SPOILER]

Here it is: http://imgur.com/a/ZJlx6

Runensucher in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-04-27 20:15

I finally did it. I got slower with every single step...

There is so much to say and ask, but of course I want to hear your opinion first. http://imgur.com/a/2TcBe

PS: It's not exactly two pages with dissections, but on some textures, I spent a lot of time, so... I think it's okay (?). Please let it be okay. :)

Runensucher in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-02-02 23:07

Can you tell me if this is a proper way to correct my boxes? And how exactly can I learn from it? Is just staring at it enough?

I started with extending my lines, then I added new corners and drew new lines, all with a different colour. Then I drew on top of the new lines with black again. Then I added the hatching.


Runensucher in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-02-01 21:25

I was wondering about my corrections since I've made the same mistakes again and again. I've seen the solution with the vanishing points at other submissions but I wasn't sure about it, because there wasn't a hint how to correct the boxes in the actual explanation.

Should I draw the correct lines before or after adding a vanishing point? And is it helpful to correct boxes that are... kinda hopeless?

I can do the 250 cylinders additive to lesson 2, right?

Thank you.. I'm a little excited to go on. :)

Runensucher in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-02-01 00:25

I did it! Here are my results. http://imgur.com/a/Dz0Cl

The challenge felt really helpful. Hope to get even more out of it with your critique. :)

Runensucher in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-01-20 20:42

Hello! :)

I finished my rotated boxes. Do you want to see it?

Before I start with the rest of the boxes I wanted to ask you something about the nearplane-farplane-thing.

I started a private conversation about your exercises in a forum and my dialogue partner sensed something out.

You may look at this:


He marked the left (far) plane of the left box in brown. It's obvious now that the plane is way bigger than the right (near) plane.

Did I miss something essencial about this rule? I strongly relied on this rule for my organic perpective excercise. (Well, mostly. ^^)

Runensucher in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-01-09 21:43

Hello there!

It's me again. I updated my album at imgur. You can see the full lesson now.

First of all I want to point out something: I really want to put the same effort into my exercises that you put into writing and evaluating the lessons. This goes for writing in english as well.

For the start, I seperated the sheets of the first part of the lesson for your comfort. Have fun!

About the rotated boxes (you can read it, it's no self-critique) - This was my second attempt. It doesn't came out good and I started to feel bad about it. It slowed the process a lot, so I decided to skip it and to hear what you have to say.

And here is something about the rough perspective exercise: Don't blame me to much for the bad lines. The paper I used was not good and drawing two days on it really had a bad influence. Took me some time to realize it.

That's (almost) all I wanted to say. Maybe you are interested to hear that my recent warm ups are way better than these images since the first lesson took me so long. Hehe. =)

As always: Thank you for your impact. Doing your excercises really changes my way of life.

Runensucher in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-12-02 22:12

Hello world, Hi Uncomfortable,

this is lesson 1.1. My first three days started with wibbly-wobbly lines. While reading through reddit and the self critique I realized my mistake and corrected it the next three days. (Even if it doesn't look like it. o.o)

I have to admit, that at some points I haven't gone through lines eight times. The paper sucked up the ink very well and I was afraid of ruining it.

I would like to give more informations, but since english isn't my mother tongue, posting stuff is kind of exhausting. ^^


I have a question about the planes. When I draw the lines that go through the middle, do I have to plan the starting and the ending point? I mostly tried to make them parallel to the outer lines and it came out well. But the other planes doesn't look wrong either.

Thank you for sharing your expertise.


P.S. I hope the bad quality of the photos do not impact your analysis to much. I will only photograph one side in future.