Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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RottenShield in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-01-03 23:11

Sweet! Thank you so much!!

RottenShield in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-01-03 06:06

Greetings! My name is Sam and I'm 21 years old.

I've been drawing since I was around 4 years old, but I decided to take art seriously around my sophomore year in high school after I had bought my first sketchbook! Since then I've been trying to improve my drawing and rendering skills and I thought that taking art classes in high school would help improve those skills even further, I did after all want to become a professional illustrator and concept artist for the entertainment industry!

Up until that point I was mostly teaching myself how to draw and I believed that high school art classes would boost up my skills, which wouldn't be the case at all. Plus it didn't help that I rarely experimented outside my typical mediums, which at the time was mostly pencil. It was only after enrolling at my local community college as an art major that I noticed visible "upgrades" in my sketchbooks. But, it was there I learned that the school offered a Dynamic Sketching class. I was very giddy about enrolling in that class since by that point several of my art classmates had attended that class and considerably improved they're drawing skills to shocking levels.

Much to my disappointment, however, I discovered that it wouldn't be offered anymore, due to budget restraints and the fact that the one professor who's teaching it will be moving over to another community college in Fullerton. In a last ditch attempt to find and enroll in a Dynamic Sketching class I searched the web for some classes. I found the CDA but I couldn't attend in person or online for logistical and financial reasons.

But lo and behold I found this class! And I must say I'm deeply grateful that you're taking time out of your life to teach us! Thank you! And I wish you the best of luck on getting accepted!

Here's a gallery of a compilation of my works. I am however still new to both Imgur and reddit, so do forgive me if the link doesn't work!
